2007年1月23日 星期二

When my boss is away

My boss went to Mainland China's factory for a couple of days.
Usually when he's around, he sits in his own room and obverses everyone from everyone's back.
Things go back a little bit, when I had a business trip with him in Vegas two weeks ago, I can assure you it's just like being in the hell. I had to wake up at 6 in the morning and then ate breakfast with him at 6:30. After that, we headed to the exhibition hall by taking the shuttle bus at 7:30, our work began "officially" from 8. After several hours' presenting our 3-C products, OK, I could go back to Hotel/ or at least go shopping by myself, right? HOWEVER, our schedule included the package of going back to Hotel, resting for a while, then eating dinner all together. What a XXXX! It reminded me of the days when I served for the military. I just had to devote my 24/7 to him, that's it.
Oh, almost forgot I'm already back in Taipei now, anyway, this morning the first thing I entered the office started from eating my breakfast, the behavior which is totally prohibited when he's here. We even made fun of one of our colleagues. She's kinda late today, actually, the last one arriving in the office. Therefore, we turned off the light, locked the door, pretending no one's here, giving her the illusion that she's the first one here. This is like the kid's trick, right? I agree. But who cares?
The good moment stops here? Not really. I plug my iPod to my computer, am listening to my favorite music. Oh, and updating my blog. Let me tell you no life is better than this.
